Many plan

Today, I had many many plan like going skin hospital, and taking a English lesson, going teeth hospital and hanging out with not stranger but just boy who meet twice as this time.

But i love this busy schedule but i dont like suddenly changing booking time, REALLY.

For cutting my foot corn(This is named by Uonome in Japan), I went to skin hospital.

After that, i took a lesson for improving English skill. Today's lesson subject is as below.

- to be geared toward someone; to be made to suit a particular type of person.

- a-rent- a-something

- have someone to something


In addition, we shared about topic which is created original service in JP, like renting BF or friends or just shooting marriage cosutume without broom.

Many topic was sharing with my teacher and i think my engish skill is better and better so i have to have myteacher to teach me loll


And then i went to teeth hospital where i have never been to there. I was scared everyday if i tried anywhere firsttime. But this doctor was so kind and to teach me about what to do, how to brush my teeth. Therefore I recommended it please see URL as below. 

Anyway, after these events, i had a promise to meet strangers (actually not stranger but just  meet boy twice).

BUT, we should meet same recognized restaurant on 19:00. However, he talked that sorry im late please slide on 19:30? so i answered "OK, we will meet on 19:30" 10 min later, he also said to sorry for late but i can go there on 20;00 so could we meet this time?....


I really hate this kind of promice! If you are student even university student, i can forgive it but he is society even though he is older than me!  but he cannot read expected time i think. He pissed me off extremely.  I really disappointed so canceled it.

And maybe i have never met him anymore. Huh,,,,,,


Im really mad therefore went to convenient store and bought some alcohols and writing while drinking it.

